1. 春晖读书会(CHParents Reading Club)的目的是什么?
  2. What is the purpose of the CHParents Reading Club?
  3. 答:是让更多学生一起读更多有意义的书籍。
  4. To encourage more students to read a greater number of meaningful books together.


How can we achieve this goal? We hope to achieve this goal through two approaches.

第一种:在线作业:跟随阅读计划自行阅读,然后到本网站查看老师精讲并完成课后作业。(完成作业后可获得积分奖励。)也可以在论坛和大家一起讨论关于阅读部分的内容。优点: 任何学生、任何时间都可以选择自己喜欢的书来阅读和答题。在这里,做完作业即视为读完该书。

The first approach: Online assignments: Follow the reading plan to read on your own, then visit the website to watch the teacher's lecture and complete the homework (points will be awarded after completing the homework). You can also discuss the reading content with others on the forum. Advantage: Any student, at any time, can choose a book they like to read and answer questions. Here, completing the homework is considered as having finished the book.

第二种: 课堂讨论。学生们在Zoom课堂上和老师就书中的某个话题一起讨论。这个缺点是有时间限制。所以这个不是必须的。对于大部分学生来说,只要读完书,做完作业就算完成读书活动了。这部分课堂讨论仅限有充分时间且有意愿参与讨论的同学交流使用。

The second approach: Classroom discussions. Students discuss a specific topic from the book with the teacher in a Zoom class. The disadvantage is that there is a time constraint. Therefore, this is not a requirement. For most students, as long as they finish reading the book and completing the homework, they have completed the reading activity. This part of the classroom discussion is only for students who have enough time and are willing to participate in the discussion.


Why should students read more English novels?

  1. 提高英语水平:阅读英文小说是提高词汇量、语法和阅读理解能力的有效途径。通过阅读英文小说,学生可以在实际语境中学习新词汇和表达方式,更好地理解英语语法结构。

  2. Improve English proficiency: Reading English novels is an effective way to increase vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension skills. By reading English novels, students can learn new vocabulary and expressions in a real context and better understand English grammatical structures.

  3. 了解文化背景:阅读英文小说有助于学生了解英语国家的历史、文化、风俗习惯和价值观。这对于提高跨文化沟通能力和加深对英语国家的了解非常重要。

  4. Understand cultural background: Reading English novels helps students understand the history, culture, customs, and values of English-speaking countries. This is crucial for improving cross-cultural communication skills and deepening understanding of English-speaking countries.

  5. 培养阅读习惯:多读英文小说可以帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读速度和习惯用英语思考的能力。这对于以后的学习和生活都非常有益。

  6. Develop reading habits: Reading more English novels can help students develop good reading habits, improve reading speed, and the ability to think in English. This is very beneficial for future learning and life.

  7. 增强想象力和创造力:阅读英文小说可以激发学生的想象力和创造力,使他们更善于思考和解决问题。此外,阅读不同类型的英文小说可以拓宽学生的视野,增加他们对世界的认知。

  8. Enhance imagination and creativity: Reading English novels can stimulate students' imagination and creativity, making them better at thinking and problem-solving. Moreover, reading different types of English novels can broaden students' horizons and increase their understanding of the world.

  9. 增加乐趣:阅读英文小说是一种有趣的学习方式,可以增加学生对英语学习的兴趣。通过阅读有趣的故事,学生更容易投入到英语学习中,从而提高学习效果。

  10. Increase enjoyment: Reading English novels is an enjoyable learning method, which can increase students' interest in learning English. By reading interesting stories, students are more likely to engage in English learning, thereby improving their learning outcomes.

  1. 如何完成作业?

How to complete the assignments?

  1. 打开List找到自己喜欢的书籍。(我们会不断增加更多的书籍)

  2. Open the List and find the books you like. (We will continue to add more books)

  3. 点击 Reading plan后面的”review” 查看阅读计划。一般1本书我们分成4部分。

  4. Click on "review" next to the Reading plan to view the reading plan. Generally, we divide one book into 4 parts.

  5. 根据上面的阅读计划读书并完成对应部分的练习。

  6. Read the book according to the reading plan and complete the corresponding exercises.

  7. 练习部分详解:

  8. Detailed explanation of the exercise section:


    Word: Let the children complete exercises for 10 vocabulary words every week.

    Quiz: 针对该部分内容进行的阅读考察,10个题目由易至难,涉及人物、背景、事件、原因等方面。这个部分是学生必做内容。

    Quiz: Reading comprehension exercises for this section, 10 questions from easy to difficult, covering characters, background, events, reasons, etc. This part is a must-do for students.


    Lecture: The teacher's in-depth lecture on this section of the content. This part is pre-recorded by the teacher and can be watched by students at any time. (The previous 7 months of class videos will be replaced by previous class recordings, and will no longer be recorded separately.)


    Forum: A place for students to discuss related topics.

该部分内容,任何学生都可以随时参与。 对于没有固定时间上课或国内上课不方便的学生来说,可以随时挑选自己喜欢的书开始。

Any student can participate in this part at any time. For students who do not have a fixed class time or find it inconvenient to attend classes in China, they can choose their favorite books to start at any time.

  1. 如何参加课堂讨论课?

How to participate in the classroom discussion class?


  1. 课程形式:这个将由老师带领学生在课堂上讨论为主。老师会根据情况制定不同的课堂内容,比如辩论,分角色或者分话题进行分组讨论。

  2. Course format: This will be mainly led by the teacher guiding students in classroom discussions. The teacher will design different class content according to the situation, such as debates, role-playing, or topic-based group discussions.

  3. 课堂暂定50分钟。

    6:10-7:00 一般适合G3-G5 讨论。

    7:10-8:00 一般适合G6-G8讨论。

    8:10-9:00 一般适合G9-G12讨论。

  4. The class is tentatively set for 50 minutes.

    6:10-7:00 Generally suitable for G3-G5 discussions.

    7:10-8:00 Generally suitable for G6-G8 discussions.

    8:10-9:00 Generally suitable for G9-G12 discussions.

  5. 此课堂每周一到周五都有开课,每天3节适合不同级别的学生。但每节课有最低报名人数限制。


  6. This class is available from Monday to Friday every week, with 3 classes per day suitable for students of different levels. However, there is a minimum enrollment requirement for each class.

    The minimum number of people required is 16. If the number of registrants for a class is less than 16, the class will not officially start until 16 people are gathered, and then the teacher will start the class.

  7. 针对书本报名,每本书一般一个月四次课,只需报名一次即可。

  8. For book registration, each book generally has four classes per month, and you only need to register once.

  9. 本课程为免费参与课程。为了节省管理成本,凡报名者不退报,不改课。一旦开课后,报名后无法准时出席课堂者(不论原因)将需要支付取消课程费30CAD/节。

  10. This course is free to participate. To save administrative costs, no refunds or changes will be made for registrants. Once the class starts, those who register but are unable to attend the class on time (for any reason) will need to pay a cancellation fee of 30 CAD per class.


How to check which books are being discussed in live sessions?


You can view the recently live-streamed books in the "Live" interface. You can check the date and time of the live sessions to determine which discussion classes are suitable for you to attend.


How to enroll in a live discussion class?


Log in with a student account and in the "Live" interface, find a suitable book for yourself to read, then click "Enroll" under the corresponding time and confirm. Once the number of enrollees exceeds 16 people, you will be notified by email to start preparing for the class.